%0 Journal Article %T Have the Software Testing a Future? %A Juan A. Godoy %J Revista Antioque£¿a de las Ciencias Computacionales y la Ingenier¨ªa de Software RACCIS %D 2012 %I Instituto Antioque?o de Investigaci¨®n IAI %X Software testing is directed to a dark future, with greater political isolation management, less funding and poorer overall quality. The hopes of the theory of software quality and test new technologies of the 1990s have been usurped by "tastes" in the development focused on ideas such as "Agile", "Object Oriented", "Cloud¡± and applications ¡°Mobile¡± of $ 0.99. The new languages and development methods are designed to allow developers to "throw" code faster and not to improve versions, maintenance, testing and traceability or auditing. The costs of maintenance and development will increase, the budgets for the test will fall and more projects fail. The future of the tests is shade. In this article is analyzed this situation. %K Software testing %K software quality %K automation %K test management %U http://fundacioniai.org/raccis/v2n1/n2a3.pdf