%0 Journal Article %T High origin of profunda femoris and lateral femoral circumflex arteries: a rare variation and its clinical implications. %A Punita Sharma %A Surinder Salwan %J Revista Argentina de Anatomia Online %D 2012 %I Asociacion Argentina de Anatomia %X During educational dissection of the left lower limb of an adult Indian male cadaver, an unusual variation of the branches of the femoral artery and profunda femoris artery (PFA) was observed. The profunda femoris artery and the lateral circumflex femoral artery had high origin from the medial and lateral aspects of the femoral artery respectively; giving a picture of trifurcation of femoral artery, below the inguinal ligament. The importance of knowledge about these variations in therapeutic and diagnostic interventions is discussed. %K anatomy %K femoral %K profunda femoris artery %K lateral circumflex femoral artery %U http://www.anatomia-argentina.com.ar/RevArgAnatOnl-2012-3(1)-p22-24-reportcas-sharma-full.pdf