%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯organisation des curricula d¡¯¨¦ducation technologique dans diff¨¦rents pays europ¨¦ens : approche comparative et impact du point de vue du genre %A COLETTE ANDREUCCI %A PASCALE BRANDT-POMARES %A MARJOLAINE CHATONEY %A JACQUES GINESTI¨¦ %J Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education %D 2010 %I Metaichmio Publications %X Girls are moving to technology education and careers less than boys. This paper attempts to summarize the inputs provided on the question of the relationship between gender and cur-riculum and gender-class practices within the European project UPADTE (Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology Education). It focuses on two as-pects: a description of the organization and content prescribed for different levels in different countries (Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Scotland, Spain) and a description of what emerges from the most significant elements contained in the case studies proposed to promote the development of education technology which encourages girls. %K Technology education %K curriculum %K gender %U http://www.ecedu.upatras.gr/review/papers/4_2/4_2_63_84.pdf