%0 Journal Article %T THE INFLUENCE OF CHINESE CORE CULTURAL VALUES ON THE COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOUR OF OVERSEAS CHINESE STUDENTS LEARNING ENGLISH %A ABDUSALAM ABUBAKER %J Annual Review of Education, Communication and Language Sciences %D 2008 %I Newcastle University %X This study is based on three dimensions of Hofstede¡¯s framework, which are power distance, masculinity versus femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. Hofstede (1980) considers the Chinese culture to be characterized by high power distance, medium masculinity and weak uncertainty avoidance. For this reason, this study explores the impact of Chinese core cultural values on the communication behaviour of Chinese students learning English. A questionnaire was used as a technique to collect data about the topic from fifty overseas Chinese students at Newcastle upon Tyne and Northumbria Universities. This study agreed with Hofstede in the dimension of power distance; however, it found different results in masculinity and uncertainty avoidance. Thus, Chinese students are highly influenced by power distance in their relationship with staff. In uncertainty avoidance the students scored medium level in their response to the questionnaire. Masculinity affected students only in achievement, but in gender role it was very weak. Therefore, the Chinese culture in this study is characterized by high power distance, medium uncertainty avoidance and weak masculinity. %K communication behaviours %K Chinese culture %K power distance %K femininity/masculinity %K uncertainty avoidance %U http://research.ncl.ac.uk/ARECLS/vol5_documents/Articles/abubaker_vol5.pdf