%0 Journal Article %T Yield potential study of meristem derived plantlets of ten potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L.) %A M Rezaul Karim %A Hafizur Rahman %A Tanziman Ara %A MST Rehena Khatun %A M Monzur Hossain %A AKM Rafiul Islam %J International Journal of Biosciences %D 2011 %I International Network for Natural Sciences %X Ten exotic potato varieties (var. All Blue, All Red, Cardinal, Diamant, Daisy, Granulla, Green Mountain, Japanese Red, Pontiac and Summerset) were used in this experiment during November 2010 to January 2011. In vitro grown 21 day old plantlets having 4-5 cm long with good root system were transferred and established in the trial field for investigating yield performance. Tuber number and weight from 10 randomly selected potato plants of each variety were recorded. The highest tuber number (57.52) per plant was recorded in var. Daisy and the lowest tuber number (8.82) per plant was recorded in red varieties. On the other hand, total tuber weight per plant was highest (344.60g) in var. Diamant whereas, total tuber weight per plant was lowest (65.05 g) in var. All blue varieties showed the most potential yield in this experiment. %K Acclimatization %K In vitro %K In vivo %K tuber %K plantlets %U http://innspub.net/documents/IJB-V1No2-p48-53.pdf