%0 Journal Article %T Determination of Flavonoids in the Leaves of Hawthorn (Crataegus Azarolus ) of Iraqi Kurdistan Region by HPLC Analysis %A Baram Ahmed Hamahameen %A Banaz Jamal %J International Journal of Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics %D 2013 %I IACSIT Press %R 10.7763/ijbbb.2013.v3.166 %X Flavonoids content of two types of hawthorn leaves(crataegus azarolus) which grows in Iraqi Kurdistan region(season 2011) including Zalan and Qaradax, were determinedby RP-HPLC technique. The percentages of major flavonoidscontents were found to be Hypersoide andVitexin-rahmnose(28.12-30.26 %), ( 30.30-18.00%), respectivelyand these results were compared with ratio of them in thehawthorn fruits of the same plants in which these two majors(Hypersoide and Vitexin-rahmnose) flavonoids became very lowbut some other flavonoids like Querecetin, Nonacosan-10-01 andApigenin show high percentage (18.24%, 13.72% and 11.98%respectively) in Hawraman hawthorn and in Qaradax hawthornsome other types are dominated like Nonacosan-10-01,Kaempferol and Querecetin having following ratio (18.10%,16.59% and 15.51% respectively). Divert compounds offlavonoids composition were analyzed also by HPLC techniquein these two types of hawthorn leaves, different ratio of : 1-Neoategolic acid, 2-Kaempferol (I), 3-Querecetin,4-Nonacosan10-01 (II), 5-Apigenin(III), 6-Luteolin(IV),7-Rutin(V), 8-Hypersoide(VI) and 9-Vitexin-rahmnose (VII),these compounds have main physiological role andpharmaceutical effect on the fruits of Hawthorn and also samerole on the animal and human physiology. %K Crataegus Azarolus %K flavonoids %K HPLCanalysis %K Hawthorn. %U http://www.ijbbb.org/papers/166-CB408.pdf