%0 Journal Article %T Type2 Diabetes susceptible loci PPAR¦Ã2 is not associated with Type1 Diabetes at age of ~30 in Bangladeshi healthy people %A Abdullah Al Emran 1* %A Farzana Ahmed 2 %J International Journal of Biosciences %D 2011 %I International Network for Natural Sciences %X Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become a global public health problem. In Bangladesh the disease has taken a turn of epidemic. This type of diabetes is known as silent killer disease affecting cardiovascular system especially heart and brain, eyes, kidney, nervous system and lower limbs. Genetic factors, sedentary habits, food habit and aging are the risk factors for the disease. In this study it was observed whether type 2diabetes susceptible loci PPAR¦Ã2 gene is associated with type 1diabetes. For this study 32 healthy male volunteers (age: 27¡À5) were included. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood by Chelax method. For PPAR¦Ã2 Pro12Ala polymorphism analysis, PCR followed by Restriction digestion was done and subsequently products were visualized on 2% agarose gel after electrophoresis. Out of 32 subjects 26 (81.25%) were homozygous for Pro/Pro genotype, 6(11.75%) heterozygous for Pro/Ala heterozygous and none for Ala/Ala homozygous allele. No correlation between the polymorphism and age, BMI, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, Random blood sugar, Glycosylated hemoglobin was observed. It can be concluded from the findings that, polymorphism in PPAR¦Ã2 gene is not associated with type 1diabetes and at the age group of ~30 it is not also associated with type 2 diabetes may be due to onset of type2 diabetes is above 40 age. %K Type 2 diabetes mellitus %K homozygous %K heterozygous %K genotype %K loci. %U http://innspub.net/documents/IJB-V1No2-p1-6.pdf