%0 Journal Article %T Formal Methods in Industry %A Alexei Serna A. %J Revista Antioque£¿a de las Ciencias Computacionales y la Ingenier¨ªa de Software RACCIS %D 2012 %I Instituto Antioque?o de Investigaci¨®n IAI %X The application of formal methods in industry has progressed extensively over the past decade and the results are promising. But despite these achievements and it have been documented in numerous studies, it is still very common the skepticism about its usefulness and applicability. The goal of this paper is to show that its evolution over the past decade exceeds all previous processes and each time they do a better job to satisfy industrial needs. This is achieved by the description of some experiments and the result of various applications in industry and through an analyzing of the needs of companies that must be satisfy the research community in this field. %K Formal methods %K formalization %K Verification %K notation %U http://fundacioniai.org/raccis/v2n2/n3a7.pdf