%0 Journal Article %T R¨¦alisation dˇŻun syst¨¨me de reconnaissance automatique de la parole arabe base sur CMU Sphinx %A Ali Sadiqui %A Noureddine Chenfour %J Annals. Computer Science Series %D 2010 %I Mirton Publishing House, Timisoara %X This paper presents the continuation of the work completed by Satori and all. [SCH07] by the realization of an automatic speech recognition system (ASR) for Arabic language based SPHINX 4 system. The previous work was limited to the recognition of the first ten digits, whereas the present work is a remarkable projection consisting in continuous Arabic speech recognition with a rate of recognition of surroundings 96%. %U http://anale-informatica.tibiscus.ro/download/lucrari/8-1-03-Sadiqui.pdf