%0 Journal Article %T UNDERACHIEVING LEARNERS: CAN THEY LEARN AT ALL? %A OGBONNIA CHUKWU-ETU %J Annual Review of Education, Communication and Language Sciences %D 2009 %I Newcastle University %X Some students at the secondary and high school levels in western countries drop out having been labelled underachievers, even though teachers sometimes fail to establish whether such students underachieve in a particular subject or in all subjects. However, opinions are divided among educationists regarding the definition and causes of underachievement. This paper addresses some contemporary issues associated with underachievement. The rationale for the study is to identify the groups of learners referred to as underachievers and to find out if their condition can be improved with the help of teachers, psychologists and parents. Categorizing underachievers into different types has had an impact in proffering solutions, especially in the case of socalled gifted underachievers a phrase which otherwise appears to be an ˇ°oxymoron or educational enigmaˇ± (Barbara 2005). The question of whether or not underachieving learners can still learn is answered in the affirmative after consulting the literature on counselling and motivation. %K underachievers %K students %K learning %K motivation %K counselling %U http://research.ncl.ac.uk/ARECLS/vol6_documents/ogbonnia_vol6.pdf