%0 Journal Article %T Cyathus species (Basidiomycota: Fungi) from the Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Brazil: taxonomy and ecological notes Especies de Cyathus (Basidiomycota: Fungi) del bosque atl芍ntico de Pernambuco: taxonom赤a y notas ecol車gicas %A Larissa Trierveiler-Pereira %A Iuri Goulart Baseia %J Revista mexicana de biodiversidad %D 2013 %I Instituto de Biolog赤a %X Cyathus specimens were collected over a one-year period in 4 remnants of the Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco, Brazil. According to traditional morphological analysis, the following species were identified: C. intermedius, C. montagnei, C. setosus and C. triplex. These 4 species had previously been recorded from Brazil, but C. setosus is reported for the first time from northeastern Brazil. The holotype of C. setosus was examined and we found differences in the spore dimensions from those described in the original publication. An identification key for the species of Cyathus recorded from Pernambuco is provided. Se recolectaron ejemplares de Cyathus durante 1 a o en 4 vestigios de bosque atl芍ntico en Pernambuco, Brasil. Seg迆n el an芍lisis morfol車gico tradicional, se identificaron: C. intermedius, C. montagnei, C. setosus y C. triplex, las cuales se conocen en el pa赤s, pero C. setosus es registrada por primera vez en la regi車n noreste de Brasil. El holotipo de C. setosus se examin車 encontr芍ndose diferencias en el tama o de las esporas con la publicaci車n original. Se presenta una clave de identificaci車n para las especies de Cyathus conocidas en Pernambuco. %K hongos 'nidos de p芍jaro' %K Gasteromycetes %K hongos neotropicales %K taxonom赤a %K bird's nest fungi %K Gasteromycetes %K Neotropical mycota %K taxonomy %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1870-34532013000100001