%0 Journal Article %T GEORREFERENCIAMENTO DE ACIDENTES DE TR NSITO: UMA DISCUSS O METODOL¨®GICA %A Geraldo Alves de SOUZA %J Revista ACTA Geogr¨˘fica %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal de Roraima %X Traffic accidents are one of the main causes of deaths and one of the greatest problems of public health in Brazil, mainly the male population aged between 19 and 45 years. Recognize the spatial distribution these accidents can make more effective the actions of public power to reduce these occurrences. The use of Geographical Information System ¨C GIS can contribute (much) with this type of task, since it is an important tool for manipulation of spatial data. In this article discusses aspects related to collection of data and to the use of GIS in researches of this nature. To highlight the problems related to collection of this data in Brazil, seeking to contribute with new research on this subject, at the same time in which highlights the impact of the little attention dedicated to collection, brings to the reliability of the results of research on this subject. %K transit accident %K SIG %K georeferencing %U http://revista.ufrr.br/index.php/actageo/article/view/554/563