%0 Journal Article %T OS DESLIZAMENTOS DE ENCOSTAS NAS FAVELAS EM ¨¢REAS DE RISCO DA ¡°SU¨ª A BRASILEIRA¡± %A Artur ROSA FILHO %J Revista ACTA Geogr¨¢fica %D 2012 %I Universidade Federal de Roraima %X In the last decades, landslides along hillsides have increased considerably, especially in under-developed countries. The gravitational movements of land masses are worsened due to the constructions of habitations on steep hillsides, and so altering the urban scenery. The general objective of this research is to carry through a study on the landslides of hillsides in the slum quarters Brtitador and Vila Santo Antonio located in Campos do Jord o-SP. Besides these two slums, Campos do Jord o has three other slums witch are believed to be in high risk areas: Vila Albertina, Monte Carlo and Cachoeirinha, around 1200 people reside in this five slums. Its understood that these slums are of Brazilian urbanization are areas of social space segregation, and representations of the outskirts of Brazilian cities.The Geographic awareness of the landslides along the hillsides in the city of Campos do Jord o was founded due to the search of human answers to the problem. The perceptive approach given in this research will not only contribute to the adoption of strategies which could be made by the city's public council, but also to the acknowledgement by the individuals who dwell in this slums in relation to the landslides which take place along these hillsides.This study get started due to the presupposition that the people living in these areas of risk , are vulnerable to landslides and put themselves to the mercy of luck, and not even the experience acquired in past landslides will free them from the exposition to tragedy that a new landslides can brig about. %K perception %K slums %K risk areas %K landslides %U http://revista.ufrr.br/index.php/actageo/article/view/764/671