%0 Journal Article %T Bredemeyera Willd. e Securidaca L. (Polygalaceae) na Regi o Sul do Brasil %A Raquel L¨¹dtke %A Tatiana Teixeira de Souza-Chies %A Silvia Teresinha Sfoggia Miotto %J Revista Brasileira de Bioci¨ºncias %D 2008 %I Univerisade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul %X In southern Brazil, the Polygalaceae family is represented by four genera, Bredemeyera Willd., Monnina Ruiz & Pav., Polygala L. e Securidaca L. This paper presents a taxonomic revision of Bredemeyera and Securidaca in southern Brazil. For this matter, this work was based on the bibliography revision and on the study of herbaria materials, besides were made collections in the Paran¨¢, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul states. The genus Bredemeyera is distributed in the Central and South America and Occidental India and is represented in Brazil, by 14 species. Securidaca is predominantly neotropical, with 24 species confirmed for the Brazilian flora. The genus Bredemeyera is represented by B. floribunda Willd., a liana which arrives until the Paran¨¢ state. Also constituted by lianas, the genus Securidaca in represented by three species in southern Brazil: Securidaca lanceolata A. St.-Hil. & Moq., S. macrocarpa A. W. Benn. e S. rivinaefolia A. St.-Hil. & Moq. Of the confirmed taxa, the only one that occurs in all states of southern Brazil is Securidaca lanceolata, exclusive of the Mata Atlantica, meanwhile, S. rivinaefolia occurs only in Paran¨¢, in the frontier region with Mato Grosso do Sul state. Analytical keys, descriptions, illustrations, data on geographic distribution, habitat and comments are presented. %U http://www.ufrgs.br/seerbio/ojs/index.php/rbb/article/view/927/603