%0 Journal Article %T Impact of a nursing intervention on pregnant women as a preventive tool for postpartum depression %A Inmaculada Su¨¢rez-Varela Varo %J NURE Investigaci¨®n %D 2012 %I Foundation for Nursery Development, (FUDEN) %X Postpartum depression is a phenomenon known by the society since ancient times. It is currently estimated that between 0.5 and 5% of births result in mental disorders in the postpartum period, and recurrence in subsequent pregnancies varies between 5 and 15%. Nowadays, there are many studies about the best way to tackle it and which treatment may be more effective. In the studies found in the literature figures of incidences, possible risk factors and treatments that best suit to each case are given, encouraging in most of them a secondary and tertiary prevention. The study presented below aims at giving a different approach to this pathology in order to highlight the importance of proper prevention and control to all pregnant women, making further emphasis on those considered at high risk position.Methodology: this is a randomized clinical trial in which a group A will receive psychoprophylaxic nursing and group B will receive routine intervention, evaluating subsequently the occurred changes.Two groups of women will be chosen randomly. The study will be developed at the Hospital Universitario Reina Sof¨ªa in C¨®rdoba (Spain). The measuring instrument used is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). %K primary prevention %K health promotion %K mental health & depression postpartum. %U http://www.fuden.es/proyectos_detalle.cfm?ID_INV_NURE=100&ID_INV_NURE_INI=1