%0 Journal Article %T Lesbians: equal women, different women. Approach to their perceptions of gynecological, sexual and reproductive health. %A Roc¨ªo Rivas Mart¨ªn %J NURE Investigaci¨®n %D 2012 %I Foundation for Nursery Development, (FUDEN) %X Introduction: Health care to women is mainly focused on their gynecological and reproductive health. It is directed toward heterosexual women, their coital relations and the gestation, and doesn¡ät consider other practices and health issues. In recent years, lesbian women have become more visible in society, recalling that should not focus solely on sexual vaginal coitus and demanding their desire of being mothers.Objetives: With this study we try to be closer to lesbian women¡äs perceptions about their sexual and reproductive health, as well as trying to determine the factors that influence their health care and their relationship with the health system. Methodology: For this purpose was carried out a qualitative study among lesbian women of different ages. Techniques of collected data used were in-depth interview and discussion group. Results: The results show that lesbians feel safe at the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections; in addition they express their difficulties to reveal their sexual identity to healthcare professionals as well as problems accessing maternity. Conclusions: We conclude with the idea of the need for greater diversity and sexual health training for professionals, as well as further research on gynecological, sexual and reproductive health of this group of population. %K Women¡äs Health %K Homosexuality Female %K Sexual Behavior %K Safe Sex %K Gender and Health. %U http://www.fuden.es/tesis_detalle.cfm?ID_TESINA=7&ID_TESINA_INI=1&FilaInicio=1