%0 Journal Article %T Perineal massage %A Laura Duarte Gonz¨¢lez %A Silvia Garc¨ªa Gonz¨¢lez %A Ma Carmen Mej¨ªas Paneque %J NURE Investigaci¨®n %D 2013 %I Foundation for Nursery Development, (FUDEN) %X Most women want to give birth without perineal tears, cuts or sutures, because these often cause back pain and discomfort and may have a negative impact on sexual functioning. It is suggested that perineal massage during the last month of pregnancy as a possible way of allowing the perineal tissue to expand more easily during birth. Perineal massage, which makes the woman or her partner (for only one or two times a week from 35 weeks) reduces the likelihood of perineal trauma (mainly episiotomies) and perineal pain during and after birth.The FAME (Federation of Associations for Midwives in Spain) recognizes that perineal massage during pregnancy reduces perineal trauma (episiotomy and tears) during childbirth. %K Massage %K perineum %K pain %K pregnancy. %U http://www.fuden.es/protocolos_detalle.cfm?ID_PROTOCOLO=127&ID_PROTOCOLO_INI=1