%0 Journal Article %T RIORDAN MATRICES AND SUMS OF HARMONIC NUMBERS %A Emanuele Munarini %J Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics %D 2011 %I University of Belgrade and Academic Mind %R 10.2298/aadm110609014m %X We obtain a general identity involving the row-sums of a Riordan matrixand the harmonic numbers. From this identity, we deduce several particular identities involving numbers of combinatorial interest, such as generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, Catalan numbers, binomial and trinomial coefficients and Stirling numbers. %K Generating function %K Fibonacci and Lucas number %K Catalan and Motzkin number %K binomial and trinomial coefficient %U http://pefmath.etf.rs/vol5num2/AADM-Vol5-No2-176-200.pdf