%0 Journal Article %T Un acercamiento a la M¨²sica como eje del pensamiento en Oracions de Santiago Rusi ol %A Susan Campos Fonseca %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2008 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X During recent years, the Catalan philosopher Eugenio Trias, as contained media has highlighted the critical debate about the place of Music in the philosophical thought of the twentieth century, especially in the context of philosophy developed from Spain. Trias, right at the turn of the century, returned to the question of the location of Music in philosophical thought; he, like Maria Zambrano, has expressed a "musicality" in his philosophical thinking that is of particular concern when viewed in regarding another thinker Catalan, in full "Crisis in the 98", also wanted to use music as meta phorien their thoughts, we are talking about Santiago Rusi ol (1861-1931) and his book Oracions (1897). %K Oracions %K Santiago Rusi ol %K Eric Morera %K Music %K Philosophy %K Modernist Mysticism %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/unacercamientoalamusica.htm