%0 Journal Article %T Literatura maqu赤nica en Deleuze: Materiales para una teor赤a de la resistencia y una l車gica de la sensaci車n %A Carlos Yebra L車pez %J Revista Observaciones Filos車ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C芍tolica de Valpara赤so %X In this essay I will show, first of all, that Deleuze's approach to aesthetics is entirely consistent with the specificity of Deleuze*s mode of doing philosophy, insomuch as the French author postulates a creative philosophy that echoes the very nature of the artistic realm. According to Deleuze, art must be understood as a space that allows the manifestation of differences and the drawing of lines of flight. Consequently, art engenders new codes that are meant to create new ethical and socio-political scenarios.Second, I will chart Deleuze*s conception of literature as a quest for health, according to which the figure of the artist is meant to be that of the doctor of the civilization. In the light of it, I will explore the nature of a certain link between Deleuze*s aesthetics and Deleuze*s ethico-political theory of resistance and conclude that anyone thinking that the role that art and literature play in Deleuze*s work is that of a political revolution would be missing its point. %K Deleuze %K est谷tica %K literatura %K resistencia %K revoluci車n %K Deleuze %K aesthetics %K literature %K resistance %K revolution %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/literaturamaquinica.htm