%0 Journal Article %T Jean-Luc Nancy: T¨¦chne de los cuerpos y apostas¨ªa de los organos; El intruso, ajenidad y reconocimientos %A Adolfo V¨¢squez Rocca %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X This paper aims to clarify issues related to antropotecnia posthumanism and establishing a dialogue between the proposals of Jean-Luc Nancy and Peter Sloterdijk that round about the boundary between natural and artificial. It will explore the post-humanist thought, developed by Sloterdijk, their philosophical sources and technical means, then, from there to address the problem of otherness, the reconfiguration of subjectivity and ontology of the body such as is proposed by Jean-Luc Nancy his work Corpus. This will review the phenomenon of anti-technology hysteria, the metaphors and eschatology of the disease, deepening the experience of a transplant recipient to finish discussing the ethical implications of this sort of ontology of the body that begins to take shape, a modal ontology - if you will, because the body is related more positions, tensions, and weights, with essences or substances. %K Body %K anthropology %K bioethics %K biotechnology %K thought %K humanism %K posthumanism %K bio-politics %K medicine %K machine %K Artificial %K ontology %K subjectivity %K transplantation %K genetics %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/ontologiayfenomenologia.htm