%0 Journal Article %T El car¨¢cter derivado de la verdad del discurso cient¨ªfico en las Lecciones del primer Heidegger %A Luciano Mascar¨® %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X The objective of this research is to accompany Heidegger's early considerations about the various meanings of the troublesome term "Truth". We will attempt, in line with the hermeneutic approach, to differentiate the originary meanings of the derivatives, and to offer a clarification of the concept of Logic as a philosophical reflexion about the truthness of truth. With these concepts as a basis, we will move towards the explanation of the derivative nature of the truth of scientific discourse. We will seek to restore the notion of truth to the original sense of discovery, and then justify the foundation of the predicative truth in the hermeneutic truth of existence. In this sense, we propose the Opening of Dasein as condition for all truth, and originary horizon for the emergence of sense. Thus, the truth will be delineated as a fundamental mode of being of the existence. %K Heidegger %K Verdad %K Hermen¨¦utica %K Aperturidad %K Discurso cient¨ªfico %K Existencia %K Heidegger %K Truth %K Hermeneutics %K Opening %K Scientific Discourse %K Existence %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/elcaracterderivado.htm