%0 Journal Article %T Ritornelo y Territorialidad: Trazos para una teor¨ªa de la creaci¨®n en Deleuze y Guattari a partir de ¡°Mil Mesetas¡± %A Luis Omar D¨ªaz %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2012 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X The present paper gives an account of the main lines that articulate the concept of territoriality with the creative act, in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. To accomplish this, we will analyze the concept of refrain (la ritournelle), just as the French philosophers expose it in the book Mille Plateaux (1980). The refrain, as will be evident, is axial in the composition and role of the notion of territoriality, regarding the creation or production of territories in any field of human existence. Thus, the dynamics of the territories, studied from the concept of refrain, allows us, first, to identify the joints of the implicit theory of creation that runs nearly in all the work of Deleuze and Guattari; and secondly, to throw light on one of the concepts more gravitating (but less studied) in the philosophy of the French thinkers, namely, the concept of refrain. %K Deleuze %K Guattari %K creaci¨®n %K territorio %K ritornelo %K Desterritorializaci¨®n %K agenciamiento %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/ritorneloyterritorialidad.htm