%0 Journal Article %T Notas para pensar la ※raz車n sensible§ en Kant a partir de la relaci車n realidad-inteligencia en Zubiri %A Carlos Roa Hewstone %J Revista Observaciones Filos車ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C芍tolica de Valpara赤so %X This paper examines the possibility of a sensible reason in Kant from certain zubirians approaches about sentient intelligence. In contrast to some assumptions from Zubiri's thought, particularly those that are related to the relationship between reality and intelligence, try to determine certain restrictive elements that allow rethink some of the assertions about Heidegger's Critique of the Pure Reason of Kant. %K Objeto %K Deducci車n %K Realidad %K Ser %K Fuerza de imposici車n %K Object %K Deduction %K Space %K Time- Reality %K Force of imposition %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/zubirikant.htm