%0 Journal Article %T Solution to the Social Portfolio Problem by Evolutionary Algorithms %A Gilberto Rivera Zarate %A Claudia G¨®mez Santill¨¢n %A Laura Cruz Reyes %A Rogelio Garc¨ªa Rodriguez %J International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics %D 2012 %I International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics %X The formation of project portfolio is a multi-objective problem that has a high impact on public and private organizations, and has generally been addressed by evolutionary algorithms. They often seekan approximation of the Pareto front, and then the decision maker must choose an only solution from the set. This is not a difficult task when you have to select a solution from a small set evaluated in two or three objectives. But when the set of solutions grows, or the number of objectives increases, the choice is often a complicated process. It is necessary to present the decision maker only the subset of the Pareto front according to your preferences. This paper describes an optimization algorithm that steers the searchprocess towards such solutions. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated with respect to the most related algorithm found in the state of the art. %K Project portfolio %K evolutionary algorithm %K preferences %K decision maker %K multi-objective optimization %U http://ijcopi.org/ojs/index.php?journal=ijcopi&page=article&op=view&path%5B%5D=96&path%5B%5D=147