%0 Journal Article %T International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security %A IJCIIS Editor %J International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security %D 2011 %I Pradnya Kulkarni %X The International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security (IJCIIS) aims to publish original and state-of-the-art research in the field of Computational Intelligence, Information Security and their applications. IJCIIS invites authors to submit their original and unpublished work in this field with a focus on new and emerging applications. IJCIIS also welcomes excellent quality research papers, review/survey papers in the area of Computer Science, Information Technology, and Information Systems. IJCIIS also accepts papers from Engineering/Technology and Science disciplines. IJCIIS is a peer-review journal and papers submitted to IJCIIS will be reviewed by an expert reviewer in the field. %K Computational Intelligence %K Information Security %U https://sites.google.com/site/ijciisresearch/vol-2-no-7-july-2011