%0 Journal Article %T Heidegger y la transformaci¨®n Hermen¨¦utica de la Fenomenolog¨ªa: Aproximaci¨®n cr¨ªtica a ¡°Hermes¡± como mensajero de los dioses y protector de los ladrones de ganado %A Isaac Puki J. Moctezuma Perea %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X The god Hermes is the messenger of the gods, but also a thief, sly and trickster, Heidegger insisted that hermeneutics originally dates back to that relationship with the god in a game that requires more thinking than science. In this paper we explore the possible consequences of taking this suggestion seriously indeed. %K Hermen¨¦utica %K Hermes %K Mensajero de los dioses %K Po¨¦tica %K Arte %K Creatividad %K Fenomenolog¨ªa %K Hermeneutics %K Hermes %K Messenger of the gods %K Poetry %K Art %K Creativity %K Phenomenology %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/heideggerylatransformacion.htm