%0 Journal Article %T Peter Sloterdijk: Has de cambiar tu vida; pr¨¢cticas antropot¨¦cnicas y constituci¨®n inmunitaria de la naturaleza humana %A Adolfo V¨¢squez Rocca %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2011 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X In the human sphere there are no less than three immune systems, which work overlaid with a strong cooperative assembly and functional complementarity. On the biological substrate, largely automated and independent of consciousness, have been developed in man, in the course of their mental and socio-culture approach, two supplementary charge of a proactive development of potential damages: first, a system of socio-immune practices, especially legal or solidarity, but also the military, with which men develop, in "society", their confrontations with foreign aggressors and distant neighbors and offenders or harmful, on the other hand, a system of symbolic practices or psycho-immunological, with whose help men succeed, since time immemorial, coping fairly well their vulnerability to the destination, including mortality, based on imaginary anticipations and use of a series mental defenses. %K Esferas %K inmunidad %K antropot¨¦cnicas %K Espumas %K estr¨¦s %K psicolog¨ªa %K ¨¦tica %K biopol¨ªtica %K neot¨¦nia %K Antropolog¨ªa %K Spheres %K immunity %K Anthropotechnics %K Foams %K stress %K psychology %K ethics %K biopolitics %K neoteny %K Anthropology %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/sloterdijk-hasdecambiartuvida.htm