%0 Journal Article %T Vulnerabilities in Academic E-governance Portals %A Subhash Chander %A Ashwani Kush %J International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security %D 2013 %I MECS Publisher %X Internet has become one of the most versatile sources of information and on the other way it has become source of various security threats. Various existing vulnerabilities in the web portals are compromised easily by hackers sitting at their places. There are so many vulnerabilities available in various websites in case of government sectors may be because of financial constraints or other. E-government is a new fast growing area in developing as well as in developed countries. New e-governance applications are emerging and being implemented and utilized by the common man. Providing government information and services on the web has resulted in mushrooming of websites with very little attention is paid to security issues of these websites. This paper discusses certain security issues & vulnerabilities in websites of educational institutes. The organizations taken into consideration are educational institutes of Haryana. %K E-governance %K security %K ICT %K E-government %K website %K vulnerability %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijcnis/ijcnis-v5-n3/v5n3-7.html