%0 Journal Article %T Achieving Open-loop Insulin Delivery using ITM Designed for T1DM Patients %A Akash Rajak %A Kanak Saxena %J International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security %D 2012 %I MECS Publisher %X To simulate the glucose-insulin concentration of type 1 diabetic patient an Intelligent Temporal Mediator (ITM) has been designed. The ITM integrates the tasks of temporal reasoning and temporal maintenance. The paper discusses the design of ITM reasoning system which was based on open-loop insulin delivery technique. The result shows that ITM successfully models the blood glucose profile of the diabetic patient. The designed ITM is also compared with existing open-loop simulator for checking its performance. %K temporal mediator %K temporal reasoning %K temporal maintenance %K T1DM %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijcnis/ijcnis-v4-n1/v4n1-7.html