%0 Journal Article %T Profiling on Superscalar Pipelining Architecture and Multi-Pipeline Scheduling Policies %A Tarun Bhalla %A Mohit Mittal %J International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research %D 2012 %I Eoryx Publications %X In this paper, we present the process of pipelining using superscalar processor. A super-scalar processor is one that is capable of sustaining an instruction-execution rate of more than one instruction per clock cycle. Maintaining this execution rate is primarily a problem of scheduling processor resources (such as functional units) for high utilization. Multiple pipes are used for improving the performance of pipelining. A superscalar processor can be envisioned having multiple parallel pipelines, each of which is processing instructions simultaneously from a single instruction thread. %K superscalar pipeline design %K pipeline stalling %K multipipeline scheduling i.e. in-order issue & in-order completion %K in-order issue & out-order completion and out-order issue & out-order completion %U http://ijcer.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/61