%0 Journal Article %T Revisi¨®n de la Teor¨ªa de los Polisistemas; De los Estudios Literarios a la Teor¨ªa de la Cat¨¢strofe %A Mar¨ªa In¨¦s Arrizabalaga %J Revista Observaciones Filos¨®ficas %D 2007 %I Pontificia Universidad C¨¢tolica de Valpara¨ªso %X Polysystem Theory relies at the forefront of the Tel Aviv Axis and is the cornerstone paradigm of the socio-historical tradition in Translation Studies. According to Polysystemics, the contrast between any two versions in L1 and L2 calls for different semiosis blending right in. Thus, there exist several systems in contact and continuous dynamism, which can be regarded as a conjunction of semiotically complex operations. However, contact among systems can be seen from another perspective. Here we will argue that Catastrophe Theory, Self-Organized Criticality and ¡®self-regulated models¡¯, as applied to Translation Studies, are a valid and enhancing counterpart to expand Polysystem Theory. It is interesting to notice that both Catastrophe Theory and Self-Organized Criticality have not been originally connected to systemic translation models. Consequently, a theoretical approach between these theories, on the one hand, and Translation Studies, on the other, reveals itself as a brand new standpoint. %K Translation Studies %K Polysystem Theory %K Systemic Models %K Semiotics %K Chaos %K Self %K Organized Criticality %K Catastrophe %U http://www.observacionesfilosoficas.net/revisiondelateoriadelos.html