%0 Journal Article %T Optically Aligned, Space Resolving, Extreme Ultra-Violet and Soft X-ray Spectrograph %A Michel Busquet %A Frederic Thais %A Ghita Geoffroy %A Didier Raffestin %J Applied Physics Research %D 2013 %I %R 10.5539/apr.v5n2p25 %X We describe in this paper an extreme ultra-violet/soft X-ray (XUV) spectrograph with high sensitivity, high spectral resolution and spatial resolution, which we developed to record XUV emission from a 10 J laser-irradiated gas jet. This spectrograph uses a flat field grazing incidence grating and a grazing incidence collection and imaging mirror. We designed a system where initial positions of elements can be set with a low accuracy of half a millimeter and where the final alignment is done with a visible light low intensity laser beam. High spectral resolution, good spatial resolution and nominal dispersion function have been achieved. A few illustrative results are presented. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/apr/article/view/23334