%0 Journal Article %T Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior: DETERMINANTS OF SERVICE MOBILE BANKING Teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto: Determinantes de Utiliza o do Servi o Mobile Banking %A Deborah Oliveira Santos %A Ricardo Teixeira Veiga %A Luiz Rodrigo Cunha Moura %J Revista Organiza£¿£¿es em Contexto %D 2011 %I Universidade Metodista de S?o Paulo %X This work has brought about the understanding of background that explains the intention of the bank clients accepting mobile banking - the self-service banking that is done by using a mobile channel - as a new way of interaction with the banks. In achieving this objective, it has developed a conceptual mark in respect of the advances in the information technology's field in the banking sector. Furthermore, it has been showed some patterns that explain the behaviour of the consumers in the using of innovation. Beyond the showed patterns, it has been chosen to be tested the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (TAYLOR and TODD,1995). The procedure of this conclusive and descriptive study happened in two stages. In the exploratory stage there have been interviews and group sessions with a particular focal point. In the descriptive stage, the quantitative analysis, it explored the validation of a sample of 515 banking clients. Multivariate techniques, like Modelling of Structural Equation have been used in the statistic analysis of the data. The results validate the pattern, however with some alterations. The factors Subjective Rules and Perception Control did not have a significant impact in the behaviourist intention, wich contradicts the original pattern test. Another difference of this study was the inclusion of a new variable in the original pattern - security, inserted in the analysis from the exploratory stage of the data collection. This factor showed the influence of the interaction and adoption of new technologies. The relationships between the factors found support in the analysis of the data. It has been proved that the variation in the attitude and security, explain 74% of the variation of the intention in using mobile banking by the participants. Furthermore, through this work it has been found that the interation is an antecedent of the real behaviour, corroborating with what is said in the bibliography. Perception control and intention achieved R2 of 0,28 in the explanation of the real behaviour. Este trabalho buscou reconhecer os antecedentes que explicam a inten o dos clientes banc¨¢rios em adotar o mobile banking e optou-se por testar a Teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto (TAYLOR e TODD, 1995). A operacionaliza o deste estudo ocorreu em duas fases. Na fase explorat¨®ria, realizaram-se entrevistas e sess es de grupo de foco. Na fase descritiva, de natureza quantitativa, buscou-se a valida o do modelo a partir de uma amostra de 515 clientes banc¨¢rios. Nesta etapa, a t¨¦cnica estat¨ªstica multivariada de modelagem de equa es estru %K Teoria do Comportamento Planejado Decomposto %K Mobile Banking %U https://www.metodista.br/revistas/revistas-metodista/index.php/OC/article/view/2696