%0 Journal Article %T Blactr: A Technique to Revoke the Misbehaving Users with TTP %A H.Jayasree %A A. Damodaram %J International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security %D 2013 %I MECS Publisher %X Anonymous credential systems permit the users to authenticate themselves in a privacy-preserving way. An anonymous credential system is of major practical relevance because it is the best means of providing privacy for users. In this paper, we propose a technique known as Blacklistable Anonymous Credentials with Trust Reputation (BLACTR) for revoking misbehaving users with Trusted Third Party (TTP). The technique uses both Certifying Authority (CA) review as well as other user reviews in order to blacklist a user making use of the fuzzy and rule matched to check if the person is to be blacklisted or not. The proposed technique performed well when compared to BLAC and BLACR. %K Anonymous Credential %K Trusted Third Party %K Certifying Authority %K User Review %K Fuzzy Logic %U http://www.mecs-press.org/ijcnis/ijcnis-v5-n1/v5n1-8.html