%0 Journal Article %T Securing data using 4 variables linear block cipher Asymmetric key Algorithm %A Prakash Kuppuswamy %J International Journal of Computer and Distributed System %D 2012 %I CIR %X Many cryptographic algorithms used for ensuring security. But still has got several security breaches that need to be dealt with. An improvement over this has been implemented in this paper. Internet connection and networks applications are growing very fast, so the needs to protect such applications are increased. Encryption algorithms play a main role in information security systems. This paper deals with a new algorithm using modulation of 37 and 4 x 4 linear matrix. Internet and networks applications are growing very fast, so the needs to protect such applications are increased. Encryption algorithms play a main role in information security systems. This paper deals with a new algorithm using negative numbers based on linear matrix. It is time efficient and easily learns useful concept and skills. Our goal is to build upon the new Asymmetric key algorithm using linear block cipher or Hill cipher encryption codes of an existing method and design a set of simulation and emulation. Encryption works by running the data (represented as numbers) through a new encryption formula using only negative number using linear matrix and negative value of ¡®e¡¯ value. All the encryption based on the Alphabets and numbers, Here, we are assigning synthetic data value to the alphabets and 0-9 numerals. Encryption as cipher text using invertible square matrix, block the message into 4x4 matrix and select ¡®e¡¯ any natural number or any negative and multiply with selected matrix and message and use modulation 37, then remainder is our cipher text or encrypted message. Hence for which we got a factor which is then transmitted, and then at decryption using invert of the square matrix and inverse of e value i.e called as d and multiply with received message and used modulation 37, remainder is our plain Text or message. The decryption algorithm will be there for the receiver as the private key is known as invertible of matrix i.e k-1 . %K Adjoint Matrix %K Determination Matrix %K Inverse %K Modulation %K Linear block %K Private key or symmetric key %K Public Key or Asymmetric key %K Square Matrix %K Synthetic Value %K Transpose Matrix. %U http://cirworld.com/index.php/IJCDS/article/view/254