%0 Journal Article %T Proficient and Secure Path For Data Communication Using Honey Pot Method And Encrypted IP Address With Randomizing In Cryptographical Algorithm %A James Marianathan %J International Journal of Computer and Distributed System %D 2012 %I CIR %X Core of the organizations data is available in the back end server. Securing the data from unauthorized people and transmitting the data to the authorized person through a secure route is the aim of the organization. A protective model for back-end servers is accomplished by the novel combination of honeypot deployment, honeypot masquerading, and strict authentication for back-end server access. In our approach, a solution that has been catching on in the network security and computer incident response environment is to employ ¡°Honey Pots.¡± Honey Pots, also known as deception systems, honey-pots or tar-pits, are phony components setup to entice unauthorized users by presenting numerous system vulnerabilities, while attempting to restrict unauthorized access to network information systems. These features include suspicious event alerts to a management workstation for visual and audible notification, the ability to capture the unauthorized user¡¯s keystrokes and send it to a remote server, various customized logging and bogus system files and information to have the unauthorized user waste time as the security administrator prepares a counter measure. %U http://cirworld.com/index.php/IJCDS/article/view/295