%0 Journal Article %T Energy Consumption in Ad Hoc Network With Agents Minimizing the Number of Hops and Maintaining Connectivity of Mobile Terminals Which Move from One to the Others %A Kohei Arai %A Lipur Sugiyanta %J International Journal of Computer Networks %D 2011 %I Computer Science Journals %X Wireless mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a special kind of network, where all of the nodesmove in time. Node is intended to help relaying packets of neighboring nodes using multi-hoprouting mechanism in order to solve problem of dead communication. MANET which engagesbroadcasting and contains multiple hops becomes increasingly vulnerable to problems such asmobile node¡¯s energy degradation, routing problem and rapid increasing of overhead packets.This paper provides an extensive study of energy consumption in the MANET that consists of twonetwork areas with the presence agents. Agents will minimize number of hops and its affect inlinearity with the delay. As nodes grow, either in data transmission services or coverage of node¡¯scommunication or more agents stand in overlapped locations, the intensive data exchange andtopology construction to adapt the network are becoming an important issue. As a result, agentsare needed to support these process automation, high-level connectivity, and intelligent service.We evaluate the agents¡¯ performance and network energy consumption for supporting MANETthat divided into two domain/network areas. The proposed agents provides service for packetstransmission between networks; e.g. determine appropriate relay nodes dynamically, maintain thetransmission between networks through another nodes, share the topology knowledge amongagents, and route packets between source and final destination that are unable to communicatedirectly. The achievement on research with this approach is conducted via simulation study. Asimilar network without agents is presented to derive such referential bounds by usingappropriate functions of network agents. The proposed algorithm is confirmed with compositesimulation results. %K Energy %K Agents %K Multi-hops %K Connectivity %U http://cscjournals.org/csc/manuscript/Journals/IJCN/volume3/Issue2/IJCN-135.pdf