%0 Journal Article %T An Identity-Based Security for Nodes in EAD File Replication in P2P Systems %A Praveenkumar Bhuvaneswaran %J International Journal of Computer and Distributed System %D 2012 %I CIR %X An Efficient and Adaptive Decentralized (EAD) file replication algorithm achieves high query efficiency and high replica utilization. EAD enhances the utilization of file replicas by selecting query traffic hubs and frequent requesters as replica nodes, and dynamically adapting to non uniform and time-varying file popularity and node interest. EAD creates and deletes replicas in a decentralized self-adaptive manner while guarantees high replica utilization. But fails in security issues like In a P2P system where every node is identified by its unique ID. Some Malicious entities that can control ID assignment can probabilistically show themselves as the source of selected content or routing messages, and can therefore subvert the routing protocols, pollute the delivered content, or prevent placement of legitimate content. Hereby it is planned to use identity-based encryption to assist in the security in peer-to-peer systems by assigning an ID and providing the associated identity-based private key to each node. %K Peer to Peer Systems %K File Replication %K File Sharing Systems %K Identity based encryption. %U http://cirworld.com/index.php/IJCDS/article/view/198