%0 Journal Article %T Penetrating Injury of Pelvis, Abdomen and Thorax in a Child with a Trident (Trishula) %A Jile Dar Rawat %A Prabudh Goel %A Vijaymahantesh S Kunnur %A BB Kushwaha %J APSP Journal of Case Reports %D 2013 %I Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Pakistan %X Penetrating abdominal injuries are uncommon in the pediatric age group and are associated with a high mortality. A seven year old girl suffered penetrating injury to perineum when she fell onto the trident (trishula ¨C traditional three pronged spear) implanted alongside Lord Shiva¡¯s idol. The rod caused perforations of the transverse mesocolon, ileum at 3 places, right lobe of liver, diaphragm, parietal pleura, and exited from 7th intercostal space. Surgical repair of each damaged site was undertaken. Despite delayed presentation, the child survived following surgery. %K Thoraco-abdomino-pelvic impalement %K Child %K Injury %K Trident %K Trishula %U http://www.apspjcaserep.com/ojs/index.php/ajcr/article/view/20