%0 Journal Article %T The Factual Data on the Ceselestial Bodies Influences on Seismic Activity %A Sergey A. Vasiliev %A Virginia Nina Tataridou %J Applied Physics Research %D 2013 %I %R 10.5539/apr.v5n1p36 %X The factual data on the influences of the Sun, Moon, planets, star on seismic activity are described. In the paper, the influences of the planet Mars and the Sun on seismic activity are confirmed statistically reliably in the subregion of the U.S. west coast and part of Mexico, in the subregion of Japan and in the world as a whole. The common properties and certain differences of the actions of the Mars and the Sun on seismic activity are marked. In particular, the obtained statistical data confirm that, in some cases, the Mars actions on seismic activity appear more strongly of the Sun actions. Within the framework of the classical (non-quantum) field theory, these data imply the existence of the long-range action fields (of LRA-fields). Previously, the authors developed a physical model of LRA-fields as the logical consequence of the nonseismological experimental and observational data. This model reveals the structure, specific properties and the origin conditions of LRA-fields. The physical model of LRA-fields predicts and allows to explain correctly the specific features of the actions of the planets and other celestial bodies on seismic activity. Monitoring of LRA-fields opens, in principle, new perspectives of the seismic activity and solar weather forecasting, new perspectives of tracking of the Earth and celestial bodies interior processes changes since the variations of LRA-fields reflect the changes of the internal processes of their sources. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/apr/article/view/23713