%0 Journal Article %T Desmoid Tumor of the Buttock in a Preadolescent Child %A Yogesh Kumar Sarin %A Nita Khurana %J APSP Journal of Case Reports %D 2011 %I Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Pakistan %X Extra-abdominal desmoid tumors are circumscribed but non-capsulated neoplasms of differentiated fibrous tissue arising from musculoaponeurotic tissues. They tend to be locally infiltrative, resulting in a high rate of local recurrence without metastasis, following surgical resection. We report a 9-year-old boy who had a large desmoid tumor in his right buttock that was successfully excised. %K Desmoid Tumor %K Aggressive fibromatosis %K Musculoaponeurotic fibromatosis %K Fibrosarcoma %K Recurrence %U http://www.apspjcaserep.com/documents/2011-2/pdf/ajcr-2011-2-2.pdf