%0 Journal Article %T Enhancement of Electron Bunch Acceleration by the Wakefield Generated with Periodical Chirped Laser Pulse in under Dense Plasma %A Mehdi Asri %A Azadeh Ahmadian %J Applied Physics Research %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/apr.v4n4p35 %X This paper presents a two dimensional analytical model for a linear laser wakefield generation by the chirped laser pulse and electron bunch acceleration has been studied numerically. It is found that the negative periodical chirp leads to increase the longitudinal and transverse components of the wakefield amplitude by one order of magnitude. In this status, we inject an electron bunch with the initial energy of about 2MeV in front of the periodical chirped laser pulse and we saw the final energy of the trapped electrons arrive to about 0.9Gev in 17mm of plasma length, with an energy spread about 1% and a the emmitance of the order of 0.12 mm mrad. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/apr/article/view/18226