%0 Journal Article %T The Classical Concept of Long-range Action Fields Existence %A Sergey A. Vasiliev %J Applied Physics Research %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/apr.v4n1p167 %X Experimental data on the influence of planets and even stars on terrestrial processes are described. The paradox arises: according to the classical field theory, planets and stars cannot have any noticeable effects on terrestrial processes (briefly stated that by the thesis "the planets cannot influence the Earth"), but these effects are real. In this paper, this paradox is resolved by constructing the classical (not quantum) concept of existence of long-range action fields hereafter LRA-fields. It would seem that the energy conservation law and special relativity put under a prohibition the existence of LRA-fields. Our concept overcomes the prohibition. The concept appears as a logical consequence of the experimental data. The concept allows to explain many strange experimental results, eliminates the loss of the cause-effect relation that has been observed in the experimental researches, can refine the ideas of N. A. Kozyrev on the physical time in the most vulnerable their part. The concept and the physical model of LRA-fields contain new perspectives in prediction of earthquakes and solar flares as well as new perspectives in researches of the internal processes of the planets and stars. The concept may have far-reaching technological consequences, in particular, the perspectives for management of energy conversion, energy transfer and the perspectives of creating new technologies. It is necessary to recognize that disregard of LRA-fields results in incompleteness of the World picture. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/apr/article/view/14753