%0 Journal Article %T Testing Amorphous, Multi-component, Organic Dielectrics According to Their Electronic Spectrums and Color Charcteristics %A Mikhail Yurievich Dolomatov %A Darya Olegovna Shulyakovskaya %A Guzel Ragipovna Mukaeva %A Natalya Khalitovna Paymurzina %J Applied Physics Research %D 2012 %I %R 10.5539/apr.v4n3p83 %X The original methods of determining physicochemical properties (e.g. relative density, fixed carbon coking ability, viscous flow activation energy, number-average molecular weight, initial material destruction temperature) and characteristics of electronic structure (ionization potentials and electron affinity) of hydrocarbon systems were generalized. In the considered methods for testing dielectrics based on these systems named characteristics are estimated according to radiation absorption coefficients, color characteristics of substance solutions and integral oscillator strength in visible and UV spectrum region. The proved regularities are confirmed with statistical processing of data. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/apr/article/view/16342