%0 Journal Article %T An Evaluation Method of Research on Wearable Wireless Body Area Network in Healthcare %A Roberto Vito Rodrigues Filho %A Renato Freitas Bulcao Neto %A Bruno Oliveira Silvestre %A Leandro Luis Galdino de Oliveira %J International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology %D 2013 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Wearable Wireless Body Area Networks (WWBANs) are an emergent technology enabling the gathering ofreal-time data, for instance, towards decision making by healthcare professionals in the case of remotemonitoring of vital signs of patients. Recent research, however, does not describe in a straightforward wayhow hardware, software and wireless communication platforms fit together in order to fully support aWWBAN-based healthcare application. In this paper we propose a maturity analysis method of research onWWBANs in healthcare. The goal is to analyze whether a paper contemplates features that a researchproject on WWBAN in healthcare should have to apply it in a real world scenario. As a result of ourmethod, features not addressed might indicate the lack of maturity of research papers, or even suggest openissues on that field %K WWBAN %K WBSN %K Healthcare %K Maturity level %U http://airccse.org/journal/jcsit/5113ijcsit05.pdf