%0 Journal Article %T Spontaneous Intravesical Knotting of Urethral Catheter %A Yogesh Kumar Sarin %J APSP Journal of Case Reports %D 2011 %I Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Pakistan %X Infant feeding tubes (IFT) have been universally used as urethral catheters in neonates and children for several decades. Though generally a safe procedure, it may cause significant morbidity if the catheter spontaneously knots inside the bladder. We report this complication in three children including a neonate. %K Urinary catheter %K Catheterization complication %K Intravesical knotting %K Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty %U http://www.apspjcaserep.com/documents/2011-2/html/ajcr-2011-2-26.html