%0 Journal Article %T Signal Processing for MIMO Interference Networks %A Thanat Chiamwichtkun %A Stephanie Soon %A Ian Lim %J International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Multiple Input Multiple Output Interference Channels are investigated in this paper. We focus on how to tackle the interference when different users try to send their codewords to their corresponding receivers. We propose a strategy to remove the interference while allowing different users transmit at the same time. Our strategy is low-complexity while the performance is good. Mathematical analysis is provided and simulations are given based on our system. %K MIMO %K Interference Channel %K Alamouti Codes %K Diversity %K Interference Cancellation %K Complexity %U http://airccse.org/journal/jcsit/0412csit09.pdf