%0 Journal Article %T DEPRESI¨®N Y CARACTER¨ªSTICAS DEMOGR¨¢FICAS ASOCIADOS EN ESTUDIANTES Y L¨ªDERES UNIVERSITARIOS DE LIMA METROPOLITANA %A Renzo Felipe Carranza Esteban %J Apuntes Universitarios %D 2012 %I %X In past years depression was seen as a sign, symptom or syndrome, but today is a disease like any other that attacks without distinction of age, sex, marital status, socioeconomic status. The aim of the study was to determine the level of depression of University students in metropolitan Lima. A sample of 2005 students of both sexes was taking between 16 and 36 years, for which we used a non-experimental design a descriptive. Instruments: Beck Adapted (BDI- HA) by Carranza (2009).The results show that there is depression in Metropolitan Lima University students; 23.2% have a severe level of depression, and 24.1% also moderate. %K Student depression %K disease %K symptoms %U http://apuntesuniversitarios.upeu.edu.pe/index.php/revapuntes/article/view/24/22