%0 Journal Article %T Freshwater snail Pomacea bridgesii (Gastropoda: Ampullariidae), life history traits and aquaculture potential %A Ana R. A. Coelho %A Gon£¿alo J. P. Calado %A Maria T. Dinis %J Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation %D 2012 %I Bioflux %X Investigations on the reproductive biology, life cycle and feeding habits of Pomacea bridgesiihave been undertaken to assess its potential as a cultured species for the ornamental trade. The speciesis dioecious and, under optimal culture conditions of temperature and food supply, it can breed all yearround. The total developmental period at 23¡À1oC varied from 15 to 24 days after oviposition. Hatchingcan last for up to 20 hours in the same egg cluster. Hatching success was very high (mean94.56¡À0.62%) and no significant differences were observed in hatching rates between different clutchsizes. Development is direct and juveniles hatch at shell length (SL) = 2.4¡À0.25 mm. Maturity is reached192¡À1.5 days after hatching and at SL = 32.80¡À2.03 mm. Two feeding experiments were undertaken toassess the impact of food type on juvenile survival during the first 8 days post-hatching and subsequentgrowth until 90 days post-hatching. Compatibility between other fish and plants fresh-water aquariumspecies were performed. A combination of environmental tolerance, moderately amphibious behavior,fast growth, short development and hatching at an advanced stage, compatibility with other aquariumspecies (fishes or other invertebrates), and simple low cost diet, make P. bridgesii highly suitable forintensive culture for the ornamental trade. %K Pomacea bridgesii %K snail %K freshwater %K aquaculture %K ornamental %U http://www.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2012.3.168-181.pdf